Christie’s 佳士得 Instagram AR Filter
Christie's Asia's first ever Instagram filter, lets people grabbing a very personal AR copy of the precious Qing Dynasty Moon Flask.
From concept development, design, modelling, optimisation, video shooting & editing, Dan is the master craftswoman behind this new media champaign.
City of Tranquility
A short documentary of hometown - Zi Gong, Si Chuan, during the COVID period, reflecting a strangeness guilded familiarity.
Screenplay written, directed and edited by Dan, drone piloted by Ivan ZHAO.
Citygate Chinese New Year Event
An Online-to-Offline multimedia promotional champaign, where an AI-powered system generates your butterfly-avatar from a quick test, and lets you release the butterfly into the big screen via a QR scan.
Dan designed the main game concept, key visuals, creating all butterfly visual parts, as well as documenting and editing this showcase video.